
Monday, July 25, 2011

First Major Accident

Last Tuesday, Miss Jaylee decided she didn't want to take a nap in the pack and play at grandma's house. She decided to climb out. In the process she fell and knocked her front tooth loose.  As a mom this was the first major accident either or my kids has had.  You can imagine how upset I was.  This is what happened.  

After the fall, I heard her screaming and opened the door to find a hysterical little girl with blood covering her face, arms, and hands.  I was shocked to say the least!  I quickly discovered the source of her blood was from the mouth.  I didn't see her tooth at first and screamed to my mom, look for her tooth (she was cleaning up the blood)!  Seconds later I found it had just been pushed up and forward.  After calling my dad's dentist (who was out of town),  my mom and I rushed her to prompt care.  Two doctors examined her and said there was nothing they could do, follow up with a dentist.  I called and was able to get her into my dentist the next day.  All of this happened just hours before my sister and her family was due to arrive home from Italy.  After prompt care, we headed to the airport to welcome them home.  Jaylee finally settled down in the car and fell asleep.

This is her after prompt care.  
A Rare Smile

While she was sleeping I debated on whether I should go home or stay at my parents' house as planned.  To help me make the decision I called around to a few different places to see if I could find a crib tent to keep my little climber contained at bedtime.  After many unsuccessful calls I finally had luck at Baby Depot in Peoria!  On the way home from the airport we got some mini slow melt popsicles, I am not sure how many Jaylee consumed that night, but I do know that it was almost the only thing she would eat. By the end of the night I think her tooth had come down a little, and looked even goofier!  Poor baby was in so much pain because it was pressing right into her lip.  Her whole mouth was very swollen. 

Poor Baby!
The next day I took her to my dentist.  He said I had two options. The first was to try and reposition the tooth.  It would be very painful and would most likely not work.  The second option was to just let it be and it would probably fall out.  I decided to go with that option, but my poor little girl was still in so much pain.  For the next day every time she would bump her mouth or try to eat she would scream and pain and bleed.  As I was talking to my mom at one point she asked if I wanted her to call around to some pediatric dentists. Since Jaylee was in so much pain I said yes.  They referred her to an oral surgeon.  So last Friday, we went to the appointment, took one look at it and said it couldn't be saved and needed to come out.  The doctor numbed her with some gel and pulled it out.  Jaylee cried for about 30 seconds and then she was fine. 
Look how long that tooth was!

Within and hour Jaylee was back to her old self.  The past few days she had been much clingier than usual and very cranky!  I think I would be too if I had tooth pain like she did! 
Smiles!  She feels better!
I hope and pray that this doesn't affect her adult teeth when they come in or her speech, but we will just have to wait and see!  I am thankful that she did not do anything more serious!

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